SHT success story Ludmilla LimaSHT success story Ludmilla Lima

After trying many diets, eating what I thought it was “healthy” and also exercising for 1-2 hours everyday for a year, I was very frustrated because my weight and body wouldn’t change at all… That’s when I realized I needed some help.

I was searching on the internet for a nutritionist in Vegas that would give me a meal plan, etc but then I saw all the great things people were saying about the SHT and Paul and I felt like it would be my only solution.

I’m not gonna lie – even the decision to just contact is hard because you don’t really know what to expect, and I thought I was just gonna hear more of the same.  Luckily I sent an email and also called and they were super nice to me and I felt welcomed to show up and ask for help.

The group SHT had already started so my choice was to do private consultation, unless I waited a few months for the next group one to start, which I did not want to wait. I did the 10 week Super Human Transformation Program and had 6 meetings with Paul thru the 10-week. Besides the meetings, his material, youtube videos, communities, seminars, events, etc, covers it all, more than I expected.

Honestly, I thought I would see some results at the end of the 10-week, but the very first meeting I knew my life would change in many ways by embracing the SHT program. The very first meeting Paul changed the whole approach I had with food, everything started to make sense and not only food, everything in general, this program really covers all you need for you to improve your health, energy, sleep, mindset, etc.

It’s truly the best thing I could have done for myself, it’s priceless (but they also make it very affordable compared to all the benefits you get, because they truly just want to help you).

At the end of this 10-week program, I lost 13 pounds and became a better person. What else would I want? Now it’s my turn to let everyone know about it and hopefully come back here to leave your history.

If you reading this, it’s already a sign that you can change your life too! Contact Paul and his team and they will help you!!!

  •  a lot more energy.
  • tremendous body composition improvements.
  • feel more peaceful.
  • feel more connected to nature.
  • able to eat amazing food that nurtures my body.
  • I know more about my higher self.
  • I am more confident and optimistic about my future.
  • I want to help our tribe and empower the planet.



Paul C. Tijerina

Author Paul C. Tijerina

Paul C. Tijerina | BS MFT CPT NLP | Nutritional Therapist & ATAVIST Life Coach

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