this is the world’s finest vitamin C that we’ve ever found! combined with a nutrient-dense way of eating,…
this is the world’s finest vitamin C that we’ve ever found! combined with a nutrient-dense way of eating,…
health = a more effortless flow through life. when I feel amazing, I deal with everything better. in…
there is one product that I use more than any other to strengthen digestion, and it’s Hydro-zyme. this stuff…
cause > effect which side of this equation are you on? if you don’t know, if you’ve…
SuperHuman Symptom #18: less need for coffee :) I swear, I really do love coffee. I just keep…
I’ve hit a huge turning point in my personal evolution. I talk about it all the time,…
what if? what if what you thought about on a regular basis could come true? well I’m here…
affirmation of the week? I LET GO AND FIND SOLUTIONS. one of my all-time favorite, and one I…
we are all lost in thought about something almost all the time. take a moment, here and now,…
I teach this skill in my private practice, and work on it myself daily. learn to cultivate…