unrefined Himalayan sea salt is good for you

By October 28, 2015 October 29th, 2015 Recommended


unrefined Himalayan sea salt

did you know salt isn’t bad for you, and instead is crucial for health? the right kind, that is.  unrefined Himalayan sea salt is good for you.

with our ancestors, salt was highly valued and its production was regulated – it was even used for trade and currency. and no one had fear of hypertension.

this is ‪#‎approvedSHT‬.

you can purchase here on amazon Himalayan salt, plus we always carry it at our office for $6 per pound :)


Paul C. Tijerina

Author Paul C. Tijerina

Paul C. Tijerina | BS MFT CPT NLP | Nutritional Therapist & ATAVIST Life Coach

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