recently asked questions by our TruFusion team!

how much is too much meat or just food in general?

when eating real food according to our guidelines, always being aware of nurturing #selfsufficiency and including balance, portions tend to work themselves out.  meats and fats are going to be the most satiating of the macronutrients and tend to auto-regulate themselves the best.  we then recommend moderating carbohydrates by measuring out your #safestarches and fruits to about 1 cup of each per evening.

what about white rice pasta options?

they are great!  but you must be careful!  we’d recommend looking at approved white rice pasta options as occasional treats.  we’d recommend getting the majority of your #safestarches intake from freshly prepared potatoes (sweet and white, all varieties), white rice, and other traditional tubers.

how much fruit and how much heavy cream with the fruit?

we recommend no more than 2 cups of fresh fruit per evening, but the sweet spot is going to be around 1 cup!  as far as heavy cream, we’d recommend using common sense.  use as much as you need to make it taste good, but overdo it.

what alternatives are there for bread?

not many!  we don’t use bread anymore.  we typically opt for wraps.  if you’re looking for a solid tortilla recipe, or something you can wrap something up with, try Manuela’s Tortillas!

tortilla (from Manuela in the Facebook group)
Mix all wet ingredients in one bowl and all dry ingredients in a different bowl, then combine and cook then in a pan. For the taco: boiled some chicken, after it boils wait ten min then pull it w a fork and mix w some salt and cayenne, make some avocado, straus sour cream, shred some cheese, make rice w butter and after its cooked throw some cilantro, one teaspoon of lime zest and juice from an entire lime, cut some cilantro, saute peppers in pan, bought some organic w all natural ingredients hot sauce at whole food and put some tomatillo sauce, throw it all in the tortilla.They are AMAZING!

remember, we are all about making this work in a modern lifestyle. be easy on yourself, have fun, and keep asking questions!

Paul C. Tijerina

Author Paul C. Tijerina

Paul C. Tijerina | BS MFT CPT NLP | Nutritional Therapist & ATAVIST Life Coach

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