mothers day 2018

I miss the hell out of my mom. she was my biggest supporter. she knew my heart. even though I put her through absolute hell with my teenage antics.

my mother shot herself back in 2002. depression. responsibility. financial stress. addiction. things we all deal with daily. but not to the degree that most mothers do. I only bring this up because when thinking about my mother today, I think about the weight of the responsibility she must have felt. and then I think about all mothers, and it makes my heart feel really big and happy. and I also have a lot of compassion.

mothers! oh my god, what a tremendous responsibility. IN ADDITION TO LIVING LIFE AS AN INDIVIDUAL IN THIS CRAZY WORLD WITH OUR CRAZY MINDS. I just can’t even FATHOM what it must feel like. I’m in an honored and privileged position to be a leader. I feel the pressure and the tremendous responsibility that I’ve chosen to take on DAILY. and it doesn’t even compare to the role of a mother. and the responsibility and pressure mothers must feel.

I live my life now in honor of all people, I live my life to be as healthy as I can each and every day in honor of all people, and especially in honor of the beautiful soul that brought me into this world.

respect your life enough to live it to the fullest. it is the only way. with health, vibrancy, clarity, purpose, and with the ability to live out your dreams. it is the only way. honor the life you were given by living it to the fullest. dedicate yourself to a lifelong quest of being as healthy as you possibly can and living out your dreams. it is the only thing to do in this life. it is what life is all about.

every day counts. every day is meant to be the best. no day would be complete without the power of mothers. no life can be viewed without acknowledging the impact of mothers.

and whether you feel like you’re doing a great job or not, YOU ARE.  you’re doing your best, with an intention of love, and that’s where all great things come from.


#mothersday #mothers #mom #thanksmom #mymomisthebest #ilovemymom #momandson #SHT #SHT4Life#SuperHumanTransformation #poweredbyrealfood #empowertheplanet

Paul C. Tijerina

Author Paul C. Tijerina

Paul C. Tijerina | BS MFT CPT NLP | Nutritional Therapist & ATAVIST Life Coach

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