corporate wellness

corporate wellness is such a hot topic these days, because so much of our population is sick!

  • an unhealthy employee equates to increased medical costs and medical plan utilization.
  • an unhealthy employee also means reduced productivity, more sick days, and more being present at work while sick.
  • an unhealthy employee is an unhappy employee which means your work environment is probably not as happy or cohesive as it could be!

now imagine a work environment where your employees have access to powerful, accurate information that actually gets results.

unlike other corporate wellness programs, our services are based on holistic health principles that actually work.  when your employees learn the truth about real food, how to sleep better, how to meditate, how to spend time outdoors in nature, how to simplify their lives, and how to replace toxins in their home with holistic, more natural solutions, EVERYONE WINS:

  • improved employee health, which makes them happier and more productive.
  • more cohesiveness and teamwork (because people are happier and more enjoyable to be around).
  • less plan utilization in the form of reduced doctor office visits, reduced medication usage and refills = reduced business costs.
  • less sick days, less absenteeism, and less presenteeism.

and best of all, you’ll be empowering your people with information that will make them better in every area of their lives!

how do we get there?  we can do anything!!!

  • seminars around any and all of our foundations.
  • “challenges” and progressions such as weight loss, fat loss, real food, sleep, meditation, and so much more.
  • goal setting and envisioning workshops.
  • meditation and mindfulness classes.
  • one-on-one sessions with your people – we can set up in a conference room or office and cycle people through.


let’s get on the phone or shoot us an email and so we can get started.  we’d love to work with you and your people!

services for gym members

as an owner or manager of a gym, your priority is maintaining your space, and providing the best experience possible for your members.  let us help you improve their experience with powerful, heartfelt information that works!

  • seminars around any and all of our foundations.
  • “challenges” and progressions such as weight loss, fat loss, real food, sleep, meditation, and so much more.
  • talks around performance and how to improve athleticism with real food, sleep, meditation, envisioning, and strategic supplementation.

let’s get on the phone or shoot us an email and so we can get started.  we’d love to work with you and your members!

seminars, talks, and keynote speaker

one of the best ways to impact your people is through a talk.  talks do not single any one person out, and yet they can get a ton of useful information across.

  • keynote speaker for any length of time that you need.
  • seminars around any and all of our foundations.
  • goal setting and envisioning seminars.
  • motivational talks.

let’s get on the phone or shoot us an email and so we can get started.  we’d love to work with you and your people!